- 1-year manufacturer’s warranty
1-year manufacturer’s warranty covers defective products and will guarantee a free replacement in the case of a defective product.
This does not cover broken, lost, water-damaged,or accessories damaged products.
- Processing Time
Please allow 7—10 business days from the time we receive your return to process your refund.Once a refund has been processed it will take up to 7-15 business days for the credit to show up on your account.We will issue your refund back to the credit card you used at the time of purchase. We will send you an email confirmation when we receive your return and when we refund your order.
For your Leo Tune Hearing devices, charging case and accessories to be eligible for return:
- It must be returned in working order with everything that was included in the original packaging, together with all accessories, instructions and documentation (if any).
- Your Leo Tune Hearing devices and charging case must not be damaged, scratched, or soiled. Please treat products and packaging with reasonable care while in your possession. Nothing herein detracts from any right we may have to hold you liable for any damage you cause to a product (including its packaging) while in your possession.
- The RMA number issued to you must be accurately and clearly reflected on the package that is returned.
- The package needs to be returned to the correct address as provided by us.