Return & Refunds

Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not satisfied with your hearing aid(s), you have 07 days from the date of delivery (as reported by shipment tracking) to return them for a full refund.

To initiate a return, you MUST contact Customer Service to activate return process before sending the devices back to us. This is essential for proper processing and efficiency.

Refunds will be processed upon receiving your hearing aids. Please allow up to 10 days from receipt of the package for that refund to process. A confirmation email will be sent to your email address, serving as your official receipt.

If you need more information please reach out to us at 9090414170 or email us at

Adapting to your hearing aids will take some time. Top audiologists recommend 3 weeks in order for your brain to adapt to wearing hearing aids. The recommended schedule for getting used to your hearing aids is as follows:
Start by wearing your hearing aids for at least 1-2 hours per day while living your normal routine around the house in order to acclimate your ears to your hearing aids. It is normal to get irritated by the fit of your hearing aids during the first few weeks.
During the second week, start wearing your hearing aids outdoors. As your ears acclimate to the hearing aid, extend the use to 3-4 hours per day. At this point, you will start to notice little sounds you were unable to hear before.
By the end of the third week, you can start having regular outdoor conversations at any volume, whether you're at a crowded restaurant or at work. You are now acclimated to the hearing aids!